PandwaRF Rogue Pro Kit


PandwaRF Rogue Pro Kit

Pro version of the PandwaRF, a highly flexible RF sniff/capture/replay device. The Rouge Pro version allows for cracking and bruteforcing of fixed and rolling code devices, such as garage remote controls. Extensive database of already cracked devices and 30x brute-engine.

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PandwaRF Rogue Pro Kit

After the success of the PandwaRF, Lab401 worked with the ComThings engineers to build a version of the device optimised for Penetration Testing and the Security Industry.

The result is the PandwaRF Rogue Pro. Built with the same quality as the PandwaRF – the similarities stop with the case.
Engineered to work as an autonomous, RF brute-forcing device – the Rogue Pro has vastly improved functionality.
The PandwaRF is pocket-sized, portable RF analysis tool operating the sub-1 GHz range.
It allows for the capture, analysis and re-transmission of RF via an Android device or linux PC.
Practically, it removes the ‘standard SDR Grind’ of capturing, demodulating, analysing, modifying and replaying by hand – replacing it with a simple but powerful interface.
The PandwaRF Rogue Pro brings significant improvement in automated brute-forcing, aimed at security professionals and penetration testers to perform highly-targeted, rapid auditing and owning.

System Overview
The PandwaRF System consists of two elements: The hardware device, and the software controller, either Android device or PC.
Beyond the functionality provided by the Android interface, the PandwaRF can be easily controlled and customised. No need to risk bricking your device or writing in C, the PandwaRF can be controlled by Javascript, either on the phone, or remotely via your browser.

Rogue Pro Advantages
The Rogue Pro has significant advantages over the standard version – we have highlighted the most relevant below:
30x Faster Brute Forcing
Reworked Brute Force engine + De Bruijn attack.
Preloaded Example Database
Function masks preloaded for common wireless targets.
Pause / Resume Functionality
Pause and resume attacks if disturbed or out of time.
32-bit codeword support
Extended codeword length up to 4-billion combinations.
Set & Forget
Supports untethered cracking – will run autonomously.
Extended Protocols
Most generic remote control protocols are natively supported.

Technical Specs
Bluetooth Smart Module ISP130301, based on nRF51
CC1111 Low-Power SoC with Sub-1 GHz RF Transceiver
16 Mbit Flash Memory to save custom RF protocols
Rechargeable battery powered for stand-alone operation
Real-time battery status
SMA connector (compatible with a HackRF Antenna, or our antenna)
4x programmable buttons
Debug Connectors & GPIO
Built in functionality
Spectrum Analyser
Automatically scan, capture, demodulate, replay data
Capture & decode RF devices (IoT, Remote Controls..)
RF Jamming
Remote Control Brute-Force (RollJam)
Supports ASK/OOK/MSK/2-FSK/GFSK modulation
300-928 MHz band
10000 Bits/s data rate
Transmit power: +10dBm (w/ inbuilt amps)
Custom functionality Javascript API
GPIO & Debug pads
Auto-stream captured data to a remote server
Modify/share captured data in-app

What’s included
1x PandwaRF Rogue Pro
1x Battery
3x Antennas (300-400MHZ, 400-500MHZ, 800-1000MHZ range)
Shipping & Packaging
Each PandwaRF Rogue Pro is dispatched from Europe – no need to worry about slow shipping times, import duties or damaged goods.
Packed in a sturdy compact 85x130x45mm box.
We provide world-wide shipping with express options.
Compatible Sysems
Android 4.0.1 Minimum, 4.3 Preferred
Linux: Debian, Ubunto, CentOS, etc (All Versions)
PandwaRF Rogue Pro Resources
Technical Documents
PandwaRF Github
PandraRF Rogue Pro Wiki
Android Quick Start
Hardware Overview


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